By installing the Lexor Office 365 add-in, you can automatically track time spent on Word documents, Excel spreadsheets or Powerpoint presentations.

1 Install the add-in

To install the add-in, in your Office tool (being Word, Excel or Powerpoint) go to the 'Insert' tab and click 'Get Add-ins'

Choose for 'Store', search for 'Lexor' and click 'Add'.

Read and agree to the terms & conditions and hit 'Continue'.

That's it, the add-in is now available on the 'Home' tab

Click the new 'Lexor add-in' button. An add-in will appear on the right of your document, spreadsheet or presentation. 

Login with your Lexor credentials to start logging.

2 Log your time

Once you're logged in, by default the add-in will start tracking the time spent. In the add-in you can indicate which project the document belongs to, change the category you wish to use and fill out a description. 

The automatic time tracking will start and stop depending on your actual time spent. The resulting activities are booked in Lexor automatically.

Next to the automatic tracking (recommended), you can turn off the auto tracking to book time spent manually. Just fill out all fields and hit 'Add activity', the activity will be shown in Lexor.