The dashboard overview shows a summary based on the chosen timeframe. The default date selection is the active working week. You can choose any custom period for which you want the graphs to be shown. The different overviews will provide these graphs:

- Hours per date:

This overview shows a horizontal bar chart per day with the total time registration. There's always a clear distinction between proposed, approved and confirmed time.

When you click on the barchart you will be transferred to the activity view of that day, so you can approve or add new timesheets. Note: If you select more than a working week your will get a grey scrollbar to navigate between the different days.

- Hours per matter:

This overview shows the registered timesheets per matter and period. The timesheet are also shown as proposed, approved and/or confirmed. You can drill down from a matter directly to the details of that matter presented in a listview.

Possibly some of the proposed time occurs as "No Matter". This means that the Lexor engine hasn't matched the correct matter yet.

- Hours per category and type:
Another default view is a pie chart by category and a pie chart by type. The category pie chart is based on your custom made categories and the hours per type is based on the Lexor fixed types.


- Filters

At the top right of the dashboard you'll find very useful filter selections to define your dashboard based on the chosen timeframe. You can either filter seperately or combined: 

Matter: you can choose one or more matters in your selection

Coworkers: As a default user you always see your own timesheets. However if you are an admin user you can select multiple coworkers

Type, Category, Status, Billable: all of these you can use to refine your selection.