The endpoint 3cx/GetPartners allows you to get the details of a caller based on it's phone number. 

Following parameters can be used:

  • phoneNumbers: a number to search the contact. Multiple entries are allowed to find multiple contacts at once (eg. participants of a conference call)
  • includeDetails (true or false):
    • false: firstname, name
    • true: all data returned when includeDetails=false and phonenumbers, emails, address, professions

Remark: above configuration was optimized for the 3CX VOIP system. The Public API contains a more generic way to register a phone call. Contact us if none of the existing options match your VOIP-integration needs.

cURL example:

curl --location --request GET ' --header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded tenantID and API key>' 

JSON response example:

"result": [ 
            "id": 3, 
            "firstName": "Al", 
            "name": "Pacino", 
            "typeId": 3, 
            "isActive": true, 
            "phoneNumbers": [ 
                    "number": "123456789" 
                    "number": "0412456789" 
            "emailAddresses": [ 
                    "value": [email protected] 
            "addresses": [ 
                    "address": "Twaalfapostelenstraat 20, 9051 Gent", 
                    "countryCode": "be" 
            "professions": [ 
                    "value": "integration engineer" 
            "modifiedOn": "2021-04-07T14:46:12.1600347+00:00" 